fertility emotions

Disclosed vs. Undisclosed Egg Donation: How Should I Choose?
If you’re applying for our Split program, you may be wondering how much the intended parents (IPs) and any donor-conceived children will know about you—and vice versa. Read on so you can make the best decision for you.
If you’re applying for our Split program, where you’ll give a portion of your eggs to a family that cannot conceive otherwise, you may be wondering how much the intended parents (IPs) and any donor-conceived children will know about you—and vice versa. We know this is a big deal and we want to give you as much information as possible to help you make the best decision for you.
Disclosed vs. undisclosed relationships
In a disclosed relationship, you exchange contact information and can communicate directly. The scope and degree of communication (both during and post-match) is what both parties make of it.
In an undisclosed relationship, you do not exchange contact information and only communicate through Cofertility. With an undisclosed donation, you and the family can choose to allow the donor-conceived child to receive your contact information when they turn a certain age (usually 18). This is called Open ID, an increasingly popular option.
Does undisclosed mean anonymous?
To put it bluntly, it is impossible to guarantee true anonymity in egg donation. With widely available genetic tests and more state laws giving donor-conceived children access to information about their donors, it’s increasingly likely that identity and shared genetics may be discovered.
At Freeze by Co, we want to honor the perspectives of all parties involved in the family-building process. This includes Split members, intended parents, and especially any future donor-conceived children. Given research on the benefits of parents being open with their children about being donor-conceived, we encourage intended parents (through our Family by Co platform) to be open to their children about their conception story.
If the eggs you give lead to a child (and we hope that they do!), that donor-conceived child may eventually want to reach out with their own questions. We want to be upfront that this could happen, even if you opt for an undisclosed match.
What do these relationships look like in practice?
Every relationship is unique and depends on the desires of the Split member, intended parents, and what’s best for any future donor-conceived children. They can range from regular communication to a single notification when the donor-conceived child is born. While this list is by no means exhaustive, we wanted to paint a picture of how these relationships may play out:
Disclosed relationships may include:
- Receiving an annual holiday card from the intended family
- Communicating with either the parents and/or donor conceived children around milestone events, like first steps up to graduations
- Speaking directly with the donor conceived child once he/she reaches a particular age
- Simply keeping communication lines open if an issue or need arises.
Conversely, an undisclosed relationship may include:
- Receiving a photo of the baby when he/she is born
- Communicating via Cofertility to share a meaningful update like first words
Note that if a donor-conceived child experiences a serious medical condition, you may be asked to provide supplemental medical information to help the family navigate the situation. Also, if new information comes up about your own medical history, we ask you to let us know so that any relevant information can be shared with the family. This is the case regardless of your relationship status.
If I have kids now or in the future, do I have to share this with them?
If you have children in the future, we encourage you to share this information with them. You may decide to wait until your children reach a particular age or you may ask the IPs to let you know when they share their own child’s conception story so that you can do the same.
As mentioned earlier, with the advent of consumer-facing genetic testing companies like 23andMe, it is also possible that your children could be contacted by donor-conceived children in the future. As such, you may prefer to share this information on your own terms. Whether that is five, ten, or fifteen years from now — we’ll provide you with resources to support that conversation.
Egg donation is a beautiful way to build a family and not something anyone involved should be ashamed of. Research shows that normalizing egg donation with children at an early age is best. This is true for parents who raise the child, as well as the egg donor who made it possible.
What are my options with Split?
As part of the Split program application, you’ll be given the opportunity to indicate your preference for a disclosed or undisclosed relationship. You can also indicate openness to both. This information will also be shared on your profile so that you will only be matched with IPs who are aligned on the desired relationship type.
If you still have questions about the spectrum of relationship options, reach out! We’re here to help you navigate it all, and we find that Split members are often open to a wide range of options after getting to know the family they are helping.
Final thoughts
If you’re applying for our Split program, we know you have a lot to consider. Our goal is to build families, but we aim to do so in a way that honors all parties involved. If you have any questions about our policies or thoughts around disclosure or want to talk through your personal situation, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

What Happens to My Eggs After I Donate Them?
When you’re considering Cofertility’s Split program, it’s natural to wonder where the process ends—what would actually happen to your eggs after you’ve donated? Read on to learn more.
When you’re considering Cofertility’s Split program, it’s natural to wonder where the process ends—what would actually happen to your eggs after you’ve donated? After all, you’re probably looking into this option with the hope that a family may be able to grow their family with your help. So how does that all happen?
How to donate eggs
First things first: if you decide that you want to help intended parents grow a family, you can expect to go through a pretty rigorous screening process. You’ll answer a lot of questions and go through a medical assessment
Typically you can expect the process to look like this:
- Application and Interview: You will share more information about yourself, including background on your health and whether you’ve donated your eggs or been pregnant in the past. We will also gather information about your education and family so we can share this with the intended parents down the line.
- Medical testing: If your initial screening indicates that you are a good candidate for Split, once you match with intended parents, you will be tested for diseases such as HIV and hepatitis.You may be tested for genetic conditions such as cystic fibrosis. Importantly, you will also undergo a psychological evaluation to ensure that you’re participating in the program willingly and that you’re prepared for the process ahead.
- Medications: If you go through with the procedure, you will take injectable medications to stimulate your ovaries to produce more eggs. You’ll make several visits to a fertility clinic over a period of 10 to 14 days so the doctor can perform ultrasounds and monitor your ovaries.
- Egg retrieval: The fertility specialist will use anesthesia and retrieve eggs from your ovaries with a needle and special suction device. This is considered a minor surgical procedure that can be done right at a fertility clinic under light anesthesia. It’s quick too — the whole process can take as little as 30 minutes.
So what happens to my eggs after I donate them?
So what happens to my eggs after the egg retrieval? The eggs you’re donating will now move on to be fertilized and hopefully help grow a new family.
Here’s how your eggs will be used to help intended parents:
- Fertilization via IVF — After eggs are retrieved from your ovaries, an embryologist will use them to start the process of in vitro fertilization — more commonly known as IVF. The fertilization, or insemination process, is performed in a lab and involves adding sperm to the eggs. The fertilized eggs will then develop in the lab and hopefully become embryos, the building block of a developing baby.
- Embryo testing — Some intended parents may opt for preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) to be done on the embryos. This process checks for chromosomal abnormalities such as extra chromosomes or missing chromosomes. This process can also flag genetic abnormalities controlled by a single gene, like cystic fibrosis or BRCA mutation.
- Embryo transfer — If the fertilization process is successful and the embryo continues to divide after fertilization, it’s now ready to be transferred into the uterus of an intended parent or gestational surrogate. This step of IVF is also done in a fertility clinic, where a reproductive endocrinologist will use a catheter to place the embryo — or sometimes multiple embryos — into the uterus.
- Pregnancy — If all goes well, the embryo will implant in the uterus, and your donated eggs will result in a pregnancy for the recipient family! Of course, success will be based on a number of factors here — not just your donor eggs. These factors range from the age of the woman carrying the baby to the quality of the sperm used in the insemination process. CDC data from 2019 (the most recent year for which data is available) found that more than 9,000 babies were born that year with the help of donated eggs.
- Birth — When a child is born, the intended parents will be listed on the birth certificate and be considered the child’s parents in the eyes of the law.
Do egg donors meet the parents?
As you’re considering the Split Program, it’s natural to wonder if you’ll meet the intended parents. You may also be debating the type of relationship, if any, that you might want to have with the intended parents and any potential offspring.
Many egg donor agencies keep donors anonymous — that means they only share details with intended parents about a donor’s genetic history, physical characteristics such as eye color, education, and hobbies. They don’t put the two parties in contact with one another and don’t share the egg donor’s email, phone number, address, or even their real name. In fact, many of them even allow contracts where both parties agree not to reach out to the other.
At Cofertility, the decision about the relationship between Split Members and Intended Parents rests in the hands of both parties. We provide the education and data as to what relationship we know from research is most healthy for the future child. And you will be able to choose how much (or how little) contact you want, shaping a relationship that you are both comfortable with and one that takes the feelings of the donor-conceived child into consideration.
Can I donate my eggs again?
Maybe you’ve formed a relationship with the intended parents who used your eggs and they want a sibling, or perhaps you want to help more families. Either way, you may want to donate your eggs again — and you can. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine guidelines allow for women to donate eggs up to six times. Know that this decision is entirely up to you.
Freeze your eggs for free by donating half to a family in need
We created the Split Program to give women the option to keep half of the eggs retrieved during the egg donor process. The costs of oocyte cryopreservation (the official medical term for egg freezing) along with 10 years of storage are entirely covered.
The number of eggs retrieved per cycle will vary based on your age and other factors. One study of 1,241 women found that, for women under 35, the average number of eggs retrieved on the first egg freezing round was 21. Depending on the number that you retrieve, some doctors may recommend completing a second cycle to ensure that you have enough eggs frozen for your own future use.
Bottom Line
While the process may end for you at the retrieval, it’s natural to wonder what happens next. Split Program members are giving an incredible gift to a family in need and we want to make sure that you feel honored and respected throughout that process. With Cofertility, you play a role in deciding how much - or how little - you know about what comes after your retrieval.
Why People Choose to Freeze Their Eggs: New Research From 75,000 Respondents
Through this article, we'll explore the key factors that shape egg freezing choices, examine how priorities evolve with age, and uncover surprising geographic trends in family planning. We'll also address the growing gap between when women initially hope to have children and when they actually feel ready to start their families.
More women than ever are choosing to freeze their eggs. But what drives these decisions? New research from Cofertility, analyzing responses from over 75,000 women, reveals patterns in how age, location, and life goals influence this choice.
Our findings paint a picture of shifting priorities across different life stages. While career ambitions drive decisions in the twenties, finding the right partner becomes paramount by the mid-thirties. Meanwhile, those living in cities show markedly different family planning patterns than their rural counterparts. This nationwide study, one of the largest of its kind, offers unprecedented insight into how women approach this significant decision.
Through this article, we'll explore the key factors that shape egg freezing choices, examine how priorities evolve with age, and uncover surprising geographic trends in family planning. We'll also address the growing gap between when women initially hope to have children and when they actually feel ready to start their families.
So why do people freeze their eggs? Let’s find out.
To focus on career growth and financial stability
For women under 28, professional development emerged as the primary motivation for considering egg freezing. Our research found that establishing a stable career or pursuing advanced education took precedence over immediate family planning. This aligns with broader societal trends, like financial independence and career growth becoming top priorities for women in their twenties.
Women cite specific career milestones they hoped to achieve before starting a family, including:
- Reaching management positions or specific salary thresholds that would provide long-term financial security for their future families
- Completing advanced degrees or specialized training programs that require significant time commitment and mental focus
- Building enough savings to comfortably support future family plans while maintaining their desired lifestyle
Because they haven't found the right partner yet
By age 35, finding a compatible life partner became the dominant concern for 40% of survey respondents. This priority shift highlights how relationship status influences egg freezing decisions, particularly as the average age of marriage (for all genders!) continues to rise across developed nations.
The data suggests that women increasingly view egg freezing as a way to maintain reproductive options while taking time to find the right partner. This approach allows them to focus on developing meaningful relationships without feeling rushed by biological time constraints.
Women in this category often expressed wanting to ensure they had enough time to build a strong foundation with their future partner before starting a family. They viewed egg freezing as a way to reduce the pressure of rushing into relationships solely due to fertility concerns.
To preserve options while living in major cities
Location played a notable role in how women approached family planning decisions. Urban respondents showed distinct patterns compared to their rural counterparts, with city dwellers more likely to postpone having children and express uncertainty about their family planning timeline.
Our research showed that women in metropolitan areas were more likely to freeze their eggs, due to factors such as:
- Higher costs of living requiring more time to establish financial stability
- More competitive career environments demanding greater time investment
- A dating culture that often leads to later marriage
- Greater access to and awareness of egg freezing services
To maintain freedom to travel and explore in their late twenties
Age 29 marked a notable spike in prioritizing travel and cultural experiences. This finding suggests that many women view their late twenties as an optimal time for personal growth and exploration before focusing on family formation.
Women at this age often reported wanting to preserve their fertility while pursuing international career opportunities, extended travel, or living abroad experiences. Many saw these experiences as valuable preparation for eventual parenthood, allowing them to bring broader perspectives and life experiences to their future families.
To bridge the gap between ideal timing and reality
Our research revealed a significant disconnect between early family planning goals and later realities. While most 20-year-olds envisioned having children before 30, this timeline often shifted as they approached their thirties. By age 30, 63% of respondents had adjusted their target for having children to before age 35.
This adjustment often stems from various factors:
- Extended time needed to establish careers in an increasingly competitive job market
- Later marriage timing compared to previous generations
- Continued education pursuits and professional development
- Financial considerations, including student loan debt and housing costs
- Personal growth priorities and life experiences
To balance family planning with valued relationships
As respondents aged, they increasingly valued spending quality time with family and friends. This trend highlights the importance of support networks during major life decisions, including family planning choices.
Many women reported that having strong relationships with family and friends played a key role in their egg freezing decisions, providing both emotional support and practical guidance. These connections often helped inform their choices and timing around fertility preservation.
To maintain reproductive options while pursuing multiple life goals
The research indicates that egg freezing decisions rarely stem from a single factor. Instead, they reflect a mix of personal goals, professional aspirations, and life circumstances. Women increasingly view egg freezing as a tool for maintaining reproductive autonomy while pursuing other important life goals.
Making informed choices
When considering egg freezing, women should weigh multiple factors:
- Current age and reproductive health metrics
- Professional and educational goals
- Relationship status and future plans
- Financial readiness and insurance coverage
- Personal timeline for family formation
The research shows that these considerations often change with age, location, and life circumstances. Understanding these patterns can help women make more informed and confident reproductive decisions.
Looking forward
Family planning decisions look different for everyone. Whether driven by career ambitions, travel goals, lifestyle preferences, or partner considerations, many women choose egg freezing to better align their family planning with their life goals. What unites all of us is the desire to make informed choices about our reproductive futures.
This research marks an important step in understanding why women choose egg freezing. As medical technology advances and societal norms continue to evolve, we expect these motivations to evolve as well. What remains constant is women's desire to make active, informed choices about their fertility - choices that align with their individual circumstances, goals, and dreams for the future.
How Do I Know if Donating My Eggs is Right for Me?
In this article, we'll explore the key factors to consider when deciding if egg donation is the right choice for you. From understanding the medical process to examining your motivations and considering the long-term impacts, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this complex decision. Whether you're seriously considering donation or just starting to explore the idea, this information will help you make an informed choice that aligns with your values and life goals. Let's dive in and discover if egg donation might be your path to making a difference in someone else's life.
Have you ever considered donating your eggs? It's a decision that can profoundly impact not only your life but also the lives of another family that could not otherwise conceive. However, it's not a choice to be made lightly. As you consider this possibility, you may find yourself grappling with myriad questions and emotions. Is egg donation right for you? How will it affect your life, both now and in the future? What are the physical and emotional implications?
In this article, we'll explore the key factors to consider when deciding if egg donation is the right choice for you. From understanding the medical process to examining your motivations and considering the long-term impacts, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this complex decision. Whether you're seriously considering donation or just starting to explore the idea, this information will help you make an informed choice that aligns with your values and life goals. Let's dive in and discover if egg donation might be your path to making a difference in someone else's life.
Understanding the egg donation process
To decide if egg donation is right for you, you should first understand what it entails. Egg donation is a process in which a woman donates her eggs to another person or couple (known as the recipients, or intended parents) with the aim of helping them conceive a child. During the initial egg donor process, the potential donor undergoes rigorous medical, psychological, and genetic screening to ensure they qualify according to industry guidelines.
Once deemed fit, the egg donor is matched with intended parents. After legal documents are completed, they begin the egg retrieval process, which includes hormonal treatments to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs in one cycle. Typically, after about a week of hormone treatments, the eggs are retrieved through a 30-minute outpatient surgery.
The retrieved eggs are fertilized with sperm (either from the intended father or sperm donor) to create embryos. The resulting embryos are then transferred to the recipient’s uterus (intended mother or gestational carrier), or they may be frozen for future use.
The growing acceptance of egg donation
Data from fertility clinics and SART registries indicate a steady increase in the number of egg donation cycles performed over the last decade. As women are becoming more educated about their biology paired with growing support for diverse families, and advances in technology, egg donation is gaining greater acceptance as a viable option to have a child. Changes in legal and ethical guidelines have also helped regulate egg donation, making it safer and more transparent for all parties involved.
Even though the need for egg donation is increasing and social and regulatory factors are changing the landscape, potential donors need to be fully educated about the medical procedures and potential side effects including psychological implications. Donating eggs can have emotional consequences, such as feelings of attachment or concerns about the future children born from the donation. Access to psychological counseling can help donors process their emotions and make informed choices. Informed decision-making empowers potential egg donors to make choices that are right for them, ensuring they are fully aware of and comfortable with the implications of their decision.
Making an informed choice
A fertility psychologist can play a crucial role in helping the donor with the decision-making process by helping ensure that potential donor makes well-informed, emotionally sound decisions.
The psychological evaluation is the first step in ensuring that the egg donor is psychologically stable and capable of handling the emotional aspects of egg donation. At the same time, the evaluation can help identify any pre-existing mental health conditions that could be exacerbated by the donation process. The psychologist can also provide follow-up counseling to help the donor process their experience and any feelings that may surface afterward.
Considering your motivations
Women consider egg donation for various reasons. You may be influenced by altruistic motives, such as wanting to help someone struggling with infertility. The compensation – either financial or the opportunity to freeze your eggs for free - might be appealing. For some, the personal fulfillment of knowing they've made a meaningful contribution to someone else's life offers a sense of purpose.
Also, certain personality traits may play a role in donating. One study found agreeable, extraverted, and open/intellectual participants reported more civic engagement, especially volunteerism and charitable giving.
Reflecting on your motivations is essential to ensure you're making a well-informed, emotionally sound decision that aligns with your personal values and beliefs. This reflection can help you set realistic expectations about the outcomes and the process, reducing the risk of disappointment.
Evaluating emotional readiness
It's normal to have mixed feelings about egg donation. Some women are certain from the outset that they want to donate, while others may be intrigued by the idea but have concerns. If you're on the fence, it's important to spend time researching and gathering information to understand how donation could impact your life.
It’s important to recognize that having mixed feelings or being uncertain about egg donation is a common experience. Many women go through a period of contemplation before making their final decision. There is no right or wrong way to feel - each woman’s journey is unique, and it is okay to take the time needed to make an informed decision. And that is the key… ensuring informed decision making.
Consider the potential for feelings of grief, loss, or attachment to offspring, even if you intellectually understand your role as a donor, not a parent. Remember, there's a significant difference between being a donor and being a parent. As a donor, you provide genetic material but don't play a role in the child's upbringing.
How will I feel after donating my eggs?
There is always the potential for feelings of grief, loss, or regret after donating one’s eggs. Some egg donors have concerns about the genetic connection to offspring and worry about developing emotional attachments to the children born, even if they are not involved in their upbringing. Some have concerns about whether the offspring might seek them out – especially if they aim to be anonymous. There can be grief for the loss of relationship with the child conceived from their eggs, even if the donor intellectually understands the nature of the donation. Donors might regret their decision if they feel they were not fully informed about the process or its implications, or if they felt pressured into donating.
However, research shows that egg donors are generally happy with their decision and usually do not regret it – especially if they have had comprehensive counseling, informed decision-making, and strong support systems in place.
A very important point to remember is that there is a big difference between being a donor and being a parent. As a donor, a woman provides the genetic material (egg) that contributes to the creation of a child. However, she does not play a role in the child's upbringing. Parents are the ones who are responsible for the social, emotional, and physical upbringing of the child. This includes providing care, nurturing, education, and support throughout the child's life.
Assessing the impact on future relationships
Egg donation can have a significant impact on future relationships and family dynamics. Understanding and addressing these potential impacts is crucial. It’s important to discuss egg donation with future partners, as it’s a significant part of one’s personal history and can impact the relationship. Partners may have varying reactions, from supportive to concerned. Discussing potential implications and addressing any worries can help manage these reactions.
Seeking professional guidance
Speaking with a fertility psychologist can be extremely beneficial. They can help you:
- Process your emotions and expectations regarding the donation process
- Practice conversations with family members
- Address potential questions and reactions
- Teach communication techniques to ensure discussions are clear yet sensitive to family dynamics
Counseling offers a safe environment and allows donors to express their fears, anxieties, and expectations regarding the donation process. A psychologist can also help donors feel confident and clear about the decision.
If you work with Cofertility, we cover the cost of speaking with a fertility psychologist, like myself.
Egg sharing
For many women considering egg donation, egg sharing programs like the one offered by Cofertility present an attractive alternative to traditional donation. In this model, you freeze half of your retrieved eggs for your own future use while donating the other half to intended parents.
This approach can feel like a win-win situation for many potential donors. It allows you to contribute to someone else's family-building journey while also preserving your own fertility options. Many women find this option aligns better with their personal goals and values, as it combines altruism with potential personal benefit. If you're unsure about traditional egg donation, exploring an egg sharing program might help you find a path that feels right for you.
Making an informed decision
Deciding to donate your eggs is a complex decision that requires careful consideration of personal motivations, medical and psychological impacts, and potential effects on future relationships. Thoroughly researching and reflecting on these key points, along with seeking support and counseling, can help ensure that your decision is well-informed and aligns with your values and long-term well-being.
Remember, there's no right or wrong way to feel about egg donation. Each woman's journey is unique, and it's okay to take the time you need to make an informed decision. By carefully considering these factors, you'll be better equipped to determine if egg donation is right for you.
Egg Freezing After Divorce or a Breakup
Divorce or a breakup can be an incredibly challenging and emotionally taxing life event. The end of a relationship can bring about feelings of loss, grief, loneliness, and uncertainty. Divorce can impact various aspects of one's life, including future plans— plans that may have included children. Significant life changes such as divorce may also prompt women to consider egg freezing as a way to preserve their fertility for future family-building purposes.
Thanks to advancement in reproductive technology, egg freezing can offer women the opportunity to preserve their fertility while they focus on other aspects of their lives. But what if they have pursued their education, advanced in their careers, and are happily settled with their forever person, when life takes a left turn? Significant life changes such as divorce may also prompt women to consider egg freezing as a way to preserve their fertility for future family-building purposes. This option may allow them the time needed to heal without feeling pressured to rush into finding a new partner and give them the space to make informed decisions about their future.
The emotional impact of divorce
Divorce or a breakup can be an incredibly challenging and emotionally taxing life event. The end of a relationship can bring about feelings of loss, grief, loneliness, and uncertainty. Divorce can impact various aspects of one's life, including future plans— plans that may have included children. A divorce or breakup can raise concerns about future fertility issues, especially for women over the age of 35.
How egg freezing works, and how much it costs
The process of egg freezing typically begins with ovarian stimulation where the woman undergoes hormonal treatments to stimulate the ovaries. The goal is to produce multiple eggs in one cycle as typically only one egg is produced in a cycle. Once the eggs have reached maturity, they are retrieved via an out-patient procedure where a thin needle is inserted into each follicle, and the eggs are retrieved. Once retrieved, the eggs are cryopreserved using vitrification, a rapid cooling technique. The frozen eggs are then stored in cryogenic tanks until they are ready to be used.
There are a few factors that determine success rates. By success rates we are referring to a live birth outcome using the frozen eggs. Generally, women under 35 have better outcomes and the more eggs retrieved, the higher the likelihood of success. A recent study found that irrespective of age at freezing, a significantly high live birth rate was achieved when the number of eggs frozen per patient was 15 or more.
The process of freezing eggs can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 and above. Costs include things like the initial consultation and testing, ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval, the egg freezing procedure, medication, and storage fees. Once the eggs are ready to be used, there are costs involved for thawing and then fertilizing to create embryos. After that there are fees for embryo testing and the transfer. If a sperm donor is used, there are various costs involved with that as well.
Learn more about our Split program, where qualified women can freeze their eggs for free when donating half to a family that couldn’t otherwise conceive.
Navigating the decision-making process
Egg freezing allows women to take control of their fertility and help them make informed decisions about their reproductive future, with or without a partner. However, there is still some concern about whether those who choose this option will regret their decision, especially given the costs involved. This article looks at several studies that explore this idea of regret. Overall, it was surmised that the only regret most had was they wished they had done it sooner.
Deciding to freeze eggs after a breakup or divorce can be a complex and personal decision. So it is important to feel and process emotions, seek support when needed, and make decisions that feel right for you and your future goals. It is understandable that following a breakup or divorce, there may be uncertainty about future relationships. So the decision to freeze eggs may involve deciding how to move forward with one's fertility independent of a partner.
It’s also normal to have mixed feelings about the decision to freeze eggs, including relief at having a plan in place for the future but also sadness about the circumstances that led to the decision, and anxiety about the unknowns ahead. So it is very important to find healthy ways to manage stress and anxiety during this time. Which includes self-care, self-compassion, and leaning on support systems.
As important as it is to plan for the future, it is also important to keep in mind that plans always evolve over time. So I encourage you to remain flexible. Be prepared to adjust plans as circumstances change. For example, at what point will you consider a sperm donor? If you find a new partner will you use frozen eggs or will you try to get pregnant on your own? If you do get pregnant without using the frozen eggs, what happens to the frozen eggs? Do they remain stored for a certain period of time? Are they donated? Or are they disposed?
Summing it up
Divorce or a break up brings about significant life changes, including changes in family planning. Freezing eggs provides a way to preserve fertility options for the future, allowing individuals to take time to decide on family planning when they're ready, whether it's with a future partner or as a single parent. It also allows individuals to focus on their emotional healing without feeling rushed into making decisions. By offering a way to preserve fertility and extend the window for family planning, egg freezing has become a valuable option for women navigating life changes.
Read more
- Amanda Goetz on Egg Freezing After Divorce
- We Asked Four Women: Did You Freeze Eggs or Embryos?
- A Breakdown of Egg Freezing Success Rates by Age
Freeze your eggs with Cofertility
Cofertility is a human-first, tech-enabled fertility ecosystem that provides people agency over if, how, and when they have babies — today or someday. We have two programs for egg freezers:
- Our Split program offers women a chance to freeze their eggs for free when donating half of the eggs retrieved to a family who cannot otherwise conceive. If you qualify for the program and decide to donate half of your retrieved eggs, every expense associated with the egg freezing procedure — medications, supplements, travel if necessary, insurance, and 10 years of storage — are completely free of charge. We don’t even need a payment or credit card up front, as the family you match with covers all the expenses.
- Our self-pay Keep program allows women to freeze their eggs and keep them all for their future use. Through Keep, we offer our members partnerships and discounts to lighten the financial load of egg freezing, as well as access to our member community.
The benefits of working with Cofertility include:
- Power of choice: Freeze your eggs more affordably or, if you qualify, freeze for free when you give half to a family who can’t otherwise conceive.
- Community: Our inclusive online spaces allow you to connect with others going through the process in our private online community.
- Compassion: We’ll always treat you with care, and our Split program gives you the opportunity to make someone’s family building dreams a reality.
- Data-driven: We provide you with trustworthy guidance and evidence-based research so you can make informed decisions about your fertility.
- Free egg freezing: Freeze and store your eggs for 10 years, entirely for free if you qualify for our Split program.
Ready to learn about more affordable (even free!) egg freezing with Cofertility? Fill out this quick quiz to learn about our accessible egg freezing options and see if you qualify for our programs — it only takes one minute.
How to Cope with Loss During the Egg Thawing Process
Before embarking on egg freezing, it is important to be well informed and have realistic expectations regarding the likelihood of future use and outcomes. Although egg freezing has high success rates it is not a guarantee or an insurance policy as some do experience loss during the thawing process.
In 2012, when the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) removed the “experimental” label off of egg freezing, it began a new era of empowering women with taking control of their reproductive choices.
According to SART data, egg freezing in the United States increased by 880% between 2010 and 2016. In a recent 2021 study, a total of 231 patients with 280 cycles were reviewed. 74.2% of oocytes survived thaw/warming, and 68.8% of surviving oocytes were successfully fertilized with a live birth rate of 33.8%
Although egg freezing has high success rates it is not a guarantee or an insurance policy as some do experience loss during the thawing process. The emotional and psychological impact of potential loss during this stage can be very painful. Before embarking on egg freezing, it is important to be well informed and have realistic expectations regarding the likelihood of future use and outcomes.
Emotional responses to loss in fertility treatments
Reasons behind wanting or needing to use cryopreservation vary from a young woman who is not yet ready to start a family to someone undergoing medical treatment. The idea of being able to stop the biological clock is not only exciting but can be a relief and bring some peace of mind. But, what happens for those who return to use their cryopreserved oocytes only to come out empty-handed? This unique loss creates intense disappointment, grief, guilt, and stress.
Grieving and processing the loss
It can be incredibly painful to come to terms with this type of loss. You may feel that options have run out and that the door to parenthood has been closed. Processing this loss is difficult because it can feel invisible. This loss represents the demise of something that never was - this ‘thing’ was only something that was seen with your mind’s eye, your heart, and your soul. Because of the invisibility of this loss, you may feel that your feelings are not being recognized or acknowledged, or that you are not being validated or supported during this time.
Give yourself some breathing room. Let all the emotions come up and let them be for a bit - it is okay to feel angry, bitter, sad, hurt. These are normal reactions to this type of loss. We work so hard to avoid or push our emotions away. But how to process loss and how to grieve means to notice our emotions, name them, and allow them to come and go on their own time.
Seeking support and building a support network
Healthy ways to process emotions can include talking to loved ones and telling them what it is that you need from them. If that does not feel right then start building a support network consisting of online or local support groups composed of people going through the same things. Never underestimate the role of professional support especially by counselors specializing in fertility issues. They can help you manage emotions and give you a safe space to talk.
Self-care and coping strategies
Explore different methods of self-care that feel right for you such as engaging in hobbies or participating in creative or social activities. These can be anything from journaling, exercising, being in nature etc.
Summing it up
Egg freezing has afforded women the ability to start a family on their own terms. Science has found a hack to nature’s biological clock. But before embarking on egg freezing and thawing, set realistic expectations. Understand that there can be many different outcomes. And not all have a happy ending. Do your research, ask a lot of questions. And most importantly, be kind to yourself.
Q&A with a Cofertility Split Member: “Helping Someone Who Wants to Be a Parent So Badly Is Truly Life Changing”
Cofertility is a human-first fertility ecosystem rewriting the egg freezing and egg donation experience. Our Split program allows women to freeze their eggs at no cost, when they donate half to a family that could not otherwise conceive. I had the privilege of sitting down with one of our Split members to delve into her personal journey—why she chose to freeze her eggs through our program, how she navigated the emotional toll, and the future she envisages for herself and her family.
Cofertility is a human-first fertility ecosystem rewriting the egg freezing and egg donation experience. Our Split program allows women to freeze their eggs at no cost, when they donate half to a family that could not otherwise conceive. We are obsessed with improving the family-building journey — today or in the future — and are in an endless pursuit to make these experiences more positive.
Today, I have the privilege of sitting down with one of our Split members to delve into her personal journey—why she chose to freeze her eggs through our program, how she navigated the emotional toll, and the future she envisages for herself and her family. By peeling back the layers, we seek to understand not just the practicalities but also the emotional and psychological nuances of this choice.
Why did you decide to freeze your eggs through Cofertility’s Split program? What were the factors that led to this decision?
I had considered donating my eggs a few times before I had heard of Cofertility, but it had never moved beyond it being an idea in my head because it never felt right. Most of the marketing I saw about egg donation focused on the monetary benefits, which I understood because it is an invasive procedure, but they never talked about where your eggs were going. It felt very impersonal and that I would have no control or say in where these eggs would go.
I had not considered it again until I heard about Cofertility on Instagram. When I first learned about the idea of helping a couple to conceive while also protecting your own fertility I thought it was genius and wondered why this wasn't an option already. My company does not have egg freezing benefits so egg freezing wasn't something I had been planning to do.
Cofertility's split option gave me an opportunity I hadn't even considered - egg donation that didn't feel as yucky and a chance to preserve my own fertility without a huge price tag. It really felt surreal that I would be able to freeze my eggs and not worry so much about a timeline to decide on kids.

What was the hardest part of the process?
Overall, I really felt that Cofertility made this process quite easy for me. Having a Member Advocate throughout the entire process was incredible, and not having that person switch or change made it really easy to build up the trust.
At the clinic I went to I saw various nurses and doctors, but my Cofertility Member Advocate stayed the same and that consistency was extremely impactful to my mental health throughout the process.
At the clinic I went to I saw various nurses and doctors, but my Cofertility Member Advocate stayed the same and that consistency was extremely impactful to my mental health throughout the process. Out of the entire process, I would say the number of appointments and the amount of time needed during the two-week hormone cycle was probably the hardest. Getting blood drawn multiple times a week, followed by doctors appointments, and all the waiting that comes with both does require time investment. I would try to make my appointments as early in the morning as possible to not interfere with my work, but giving yourself grace and flexibility for those two weeks is necessary. I am fortunate to have the flexibility at my job and work with a group of people that were extremely supportive of what I was going through, but if you are someone who is not used to the process it can feel like a lot of time out of your control.
Was there anything that you were nervous about, but ended up not being as bad as you thought?
I was most nervous about the shots going into it, but they ended up not being as bad as I had expected them to be. For the most part, the needles were much shorter and thinner than I expected and I was able to do all of the shots myself.
In fact, once I did my first one I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment for being able to do it. Cofertility had given me a goody bag when I started my cycle and the little ice pack was wonderful for any post-shot discomfort. I also tried to pair the shots with a treat for myself as a little reward... give myself a shot and have some chocolate, give myself a shot and watch a show I love, give myself a shot and do a little online shopping. This process was all new and different for my body so I tried to give myself grace and love throughout it!
Read about egg freezing shots in I'm Afraid of Needles; Can I Still Freeze My Eggs?
Did freezing your eggs affect your relationships or dating life in any way? How did you navigate these aspects during the process?
When thinking about the people I know who have gone through the egg freezing journey, they were all in different stages of their dating / relationship journey. Some were casually dating and not looking for anything serious, some had a new partner that they hoped would turn into something serious, and some were with a long-term partner but not ready to build their family further than that yet. I fall into that last category. When I decided to freeze my eggs with Cofertility, my husband and I had been together for 9 years and married for one. While we were very serious about each other, we weren't sure if or when we wanted kids, but we knew we didn't want them now. My husband was very supportive of the idea of freezing my eggs for our own future use, but I was curious how he would feel about me donating eggs to another family. When I brought it up to him he truly had less hesitation than I even had. His perspective from day one has been that it is my body and if I feel comfortable with the choice then he is here to support me. That position did not change throughout the process, and if anything he (similar to myself) felt more confident each day with the decision to "split" once we met the intended parents and got to know them more.
I feel very lucky to have had a supportive partner to go through this with and someone who trusted my choices 100%. I know this route is something that may take some partners time to digest and understand, but I think in the end the most important thing is that you, as the person freezing and donating your eggs, feel that this is right for you.
Read more in Want to Donate Your Eggs? Tips on Talking It Over with Your Partner
How did you manage the emotional and psychological aspects of freezing and donating your eggs?
Looking back, the opportunity to know the parents who I was donating the eggs to played a huge role in managing the donation emotionally and psychologically. When I first learned about Cofertility I wasn't sure if I would want to have a disclosed donation. I was worried about what that would mean and what that relationship would look like.
After learning more about egg donation, it was clear that there is no such thing as an anonymous donor due to the genetic testing that exists today. If I wanted to donate my eggs, I needed to be okay that the child(ren) that they created would be able to know who I am at some point in their life. This was something that I thought over for a while and researched how DCP (Donor Conceived People) felt about. I wanted to know that I was doing the right thing for the possible children that came from these eggs - my own and the intended parents'.
In the end I felt really good about my decision to have a disclosed donation. Knowing that both the intended parents and myself were on the same page on this built a foundation of care and immense respect for the other party.
In the end I felt really good about my decision to have a disclosed donation. Knowing that both the intended parents and myself were on the same page on this built a foundation of care and immense respect for the other party. I have always shared with them that I want to follow their lead on what feels right throughout the process and the years to come and they have been great communicators of what they want while respecting my choices as well. This relationship, along with the huge support from Cofertility, made the process really supportive of my mental health. I went into it wondering if the combination of doing something totally new, medications / hormones, and other life stress would be hard to handle, but I think the peace of mind that comes with preserving your fertility hugely outweighed any weight from those factors.
What are your plans for the future regarding your frozen eggs? How do you envision incorporating them into your family-building journey, if applicable?
Right now, my husband and I haven't decided when we will start to build our family. In a perfect and easy world, we would have no trouble conceiving and the eggs I have frozen wouldn't need to be used, but I have seen for so many people I love this is not always the case. Whether we use the eggs to conceive all of our future children, conceive naturally at first then need to use the eggs for later children, or not use the eggs at all, it gives me so much peace of mind to know that they are there and we took this step to preserve my fertility. It is not an insurance plan, but it feels good to know that Cofertility opened a door for me that otherwise I likely would not have opened on my own.
Lastly, what advice would you give to someone who is considering freezing and donating their eggs? Are there any important factors they should keep in mind?
The biggest advice I would have is to really understand if you want your egg freezing journey to be something that happens and you are done with it or if you are open to something that will be a little part of you for your life.
What I mean by this is that if you freeze your eggs without donating you go through the process, the injections, and the retrieval and then you are done unless you one day need to use those eggs. When you freeze your eggs and donate half you go through that same process, but in the future there may be a DCP that reaches out to you once they are 18 to try to make a connection, or intended parents that reach out when they need additional family medical history, or maybe you have a closer relationship with the intended parents and you get annual cards with updates of the DCP.
No matter the case, there is a possibility that your involvement with egg donation does not end entirely when the eggs are physically donated. This was something I really thought hard about and found a lot of peace with. The process that Cofertility leads you through with speaking to a fertility counselor both alone and with the intended parents helped with that as well.
On top of the counseling, having a clear contract and great legal support (Cofertility also helps with recommending representation) gave me peace of mind that I knew and agreed to all boundaries in the donation.
I truly think egg donation is such a meaningful thing to do, helping someone who wants to be a parent so badly conceive is truly life changing and I am so grateful to Cofertility for giving me the opportunity to help out an amazing couple and also preserve my own fertility in the process.
Read more:
What Does It Mean to Donate Your Eggs?
Egg donation is an incredible way for women to help others fulfill their dreams of parenthood — but you might be wondering, what does “egg donation” actually mean? The process involves several steps, and it’s important to have a rock-solid understanding of what’s involved before moving forward with donating your eggs.
Egg donation is an incredible way for women to help others fulfill their dreams of parenthood — but you might be wondering, what does “egg donation” actually mean? The process involves several steps, and it’s important to have a rock-solid understanding of what’s involved before moving forward with donating your eggs.
In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of egg donation, why women choose to donate their eggs, dispel common myths about egg donation, and share more about how the Cofertility Split program is a unique approach to egg donation.
How egg donation works
Egg donation is a medical process in which a woman provides her eggs to assist another individual or couple in conceiving a child. This process can be a beacon of hope for those struggling with infertility, same-sex couples, or individuals who cannot use their eggs for various medical reasons, like cancer survivors.
The egg donation process, step-by-step
Screening and matching
As a first step, if you’re interested in donating your eggs, you can apply to Freeze by Co’s programs by answering a few quick questions about yourself. If you qualify, you’ll move on to the full application where you’ll provide some information about your family medical history, genetic background, and motivations for going through the process.
Once you’ve been accepted into Freeze by Co’s Split program — where you can freeze your eggs for free when you donate half of the eggs retrieved to another family who can’t conceive — you’ll immediately join our member community, where you can connect with others at the exact same point in the process, lean on each other, and learn from one another.
As you await your intended parent match, you’ll undergo some bloodwork at a local lab to get an idea of your potential ovarian reserve (or egg count) ahead of time. This helps give everyone the confidence that you’ll get enough eggs to share. Once you match with an intended parent, you’ll then undergo in-person medical and psych testing before moving on to legal contracts, your stimulation cycle, and retrieval.
Donating eggs is a big deal, and not to be taken lightly on either end — so these first screening steps are incredibly important!
Once you’ve entered into a match with intended parents and you’ve passed your initial physical screening, you will enter into a legal agreement with the intended parents. This document will lay out all specifics regarding your and the intended parents’ rights throughout the process. Specifically, it will note that by donating your eggs, you waive all rights to those eggs and are not considered the parent of any resulting embryos or children.
This contract also provides the opportunity to put into writing your preferences around disclosure and communication, and intended parents will do the same. Ultimately, this is a vital step throughout the process — and at Cofertility, we provide members of our Split program legal counsel to ensure they are represented fairly.
Stimulation and retrieval
Once you’ve been given the green light, you’ll begin your egg donation cycle. During your 10-14 day cycle, you’ll take injectable hormone medications daily to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple egg-containing follicles. Frequent monitoring via quick blood tests and ultrasounds will ensure that your eggs are reaching peak maturity prior to retrieval. As the eggs mature, you may feel some bloating.
When the eggs reach maturity, a minor surgical procedure known as an egg retrieval is performed under sedation. A specialized needle is used to extract the eggs from your ovaries, and it’s a relatively quick procedure, and you’ll go home that day to get some rest. Your doctor will monitor you closely afterwards and check in after the procedure to ensure there are no complications.
Your half of the eggs will be frozen and safely stored for up to 10 years for free. The other half will go to the family you matched with.
Read more:
So, why would a woman donate her eggs?
There are many reasons why someone might donate her eggs, but the main rationale we tend to hear falls into a few main categories:
- Empathy and compassion: Many women choose to donate their eggs out of a desire to help others experience the joy of parenthood. They want to make a meaningful difference in someone's life and recognize the emotional struggles of those trying to bring children into the world, especially if they know someone first-hand who has faced family-building challenges.
- Ethical considerations: Many egg donors share a strong belief in reproductive autonomy, allowing individuals and couples to make choices about their family-building journey.
- Opportunity to freeze your eggs for free: Egg donation can also offer financial compensation to donors, though the exact amount varies by location and agency. Our Split program instead offers a unique approach, allowing women to freeze their eggs for free when they donate half the eggs retrieved to another family.
Facts and myths about egg donation
When it comes to egg donation, there’s a ton of misinformation out there — let’s dive into some of the big myths you may come across and dissect which ones are fact vs. fiction.
Can you still have kids after donating eggs?
Yes. Donating eggs does not affect a woman's ability to have children in the future. A stimulation and retrieval cycle involves such a small fraction of a woman’s total egg supply, which the body replenishes. That said, it's essential to consider your own family-building goals with a healthcare provider before becoming a donor — which is why we offer our Split program. Those participating in the program are able to preserve a bit of their own fertility while doing something amazing for another family.
Read more in Does Donating Eggs Affect Your Fertility?
Are donor eggs your baby?
Nope. Donor eggs are *not* babies. They are half of the genetic material used for the child of the intended parent(s), with the remaining genetic material coming from the sperm provider (the intended parent or a sperm donor). A donor's contribution is solely the eggs, not the full genetic makeup of the child. And, as mentioned above, as part of the process you’ll sign a legal agreement clarifying that you do not have rights to any embryos or children resulting from these eggs.
Will I experience psychological impact?
Yes — but in a good way! If screened and educated properly (this is a big “if”), anyone donating eggs should have full informed consent about the donation process and everything involved. All egg donors should undergo thorough psychological assessments and have access to counseling before, during, and after the process to ensure their emotional well being.
At Freeze by Co, our model removes cash compensation from the egg donation process (rather, enabling women in our Split program to freeze half of the eggs for their own future use for free). We’ve designed the program to provide Split members with the opportunity to not only preserve some of their own fertility future, but also help another family. This way, everyone involved can feel good about the journey.
Read more in Will I Regret Donating My Eggs?
Donating eggs through Cofertility's Split program
Cofertility's Split program is a unique approach to egg donation that distinguishes itself from traditional methods rooted in cash compensation and icky practices. Our program helps provide everyone — both the person freezing and donating their eggs and the intended parent(s) — with autonomy to grow their family, whether that’s today, or maybe some time in the future.
Members of our Split program get to keep half of the eggs retrieved, plus:
- Free storage of their own eggs in cryopreservation for up to 10 years
- Coverage of all medical costs for the egg donation process
- Connection to the Cofertility community for support all along the way and after too
- The ability to work with the intended parents to decide together what your relationship will look like
If giving your eggs to intended parents sounds like something you would like to do, you may be able to qualify for the free egg freezing process and have your donation process covered too.
Take our quiz to see if you qualify for our Split program today!
We believe that every donor deserves to have a positive and empowering experience, and we are committed to making that a reality. That’s why Cofertility was named one of the Best Egg Donor Programs by Egg Donor Connect.
Why You Deserve an Egg Freezing Registry (And What to Put On It!)
The gift registry has been a cultural institution for pivotal life moment. These wish lists give friends and family an easy way to provide support that you actually want. But what if we took this concept and applied it to another life milestone that is also super exciting? This brings us to the idea of an egg freezing registry.
The gift registry has been a cultural institution for pivotal life moments — from the gilded spoons and Ninja blenders of wedding registries to the cute little onesies of baby shower lists. These wish lists give friends and family an easy way to provide support that you actually want.
But what if we took this concept and applied it to another life milestone that is also super exciting? This brings us to the idea of an egg freezing registry. Yes, you heard that right. An egg freezing registry.
On Sex and the City, after celebrating countless weddings and babies, Carrie Bradshaw famously took matters into her own hands and created her own registry in honor of her marriage to herself. Her registry had just one item — a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes. Our take? If Carrie can celebrate herself, you can, too. Especially when you’re doing something so incredible for your future as freezing your eggs.
Why you deserve an egg freezing registry
You may be wondering, particularly in a society that still wrestles with norms surrounding reproductive choices, as to whether you “deserve” to have a registry for something as personal and medical as egg freezing. The answer is a resounding YES, and here’s why.
Normalizing reproductive autonomy
Creating a registry for egg freezing can help normalize the conversation around reproductive autonomy and shatter persisting taboos. Women have long been subject to societal pressures about when and how they should have children. The ability to crowdfund one’s egg freezing process (or at least get some goodies covered) is a bold statement of agency, positioning the egg freezer not as a subject of societal expectations but as an architect of her own life.
Creating a registry for egg freezing can help normalize the conversation around reproductive autonomy and shatter persisting taboos.
Solidifying social support
The explicit act of creating a registry — and having loved ones contribute to it — serves as a profound endorsement of your choices. The communal act of contributing to a registry can offer emotional sustenance and make sure you know that your community is invested in your well-being, present and future.
Lessening the financial load
Financial obstacles should not dictate reproductive choices. Just as registries for weddings or baby showers are widely accepted tools for “getting someone started” with the essentials, an egg freezing registry is a legitimate way to help offset some of the costs.
A reimagined social contract
Finally, having an egg freezing registry reinforces a modernized social contract. At its core, a registry is an agreement among a community that signifies its collective investment in a significant life event. Weddings are not just about the couple, and baby showers are not just about the parents; they are about a larger circle of family and friends who will interact with that couple or child and want to support and celebrate them. Similarly, an egg freezing registry proclaims that a woman's reproductive choices are worth communal support, thus redefining the very ethos of what our social contracts can include.
So, do you deserve to have an egg freezing registry? Absolutely. In doing so, you're not only giving yourself the gift of choice but also expanding the societal dialogue around what choice can and should look like.
What should I add to my egg freezing registry?
One of the most exciting possibilities of an egg freezing registry is the potential to ask for specific add-ons that could aid in your egg freezing journey. Here are some ideas:
- Nutritional supplements: Omega-3s, prenatal vitamins, and other supplements to prepare your body for your cycle.
- Heating pad: Useful for post-procedure comfort and relief from cramps.
- Fuzzy socks: These make the often-cold clinic rooms and stirrup-bound procedures markedly more comfortable.
- Chocolates/other treats: Emotional well-being is part and parcel of the egg freezing journey; indulgent treats can serve as small but potent morale boosters.
- Wellness packages: Sessions for acupuncture or fertility yoga, aimed at enhancing both emotional and physical well-being.
- Books and journals: Literature on reproductive health, fertility journeys, or self-reflective journals.
- Travel vouchers: For those who choose clinics far from home, these can cover transportation or even lodging costs.
- Food delivery/meal prep: Gift cards to services like Doordash, Uber Eats, HelloFresh, Goldbelly, can help keep you well fed during the egg freezing period.
- Bath bombs: For pre- or post-procedure relaxation, because a soothing bath can be a sanctuary in stressful times.
- Other relaxation aids: Consider adding aromatherapy oils, scented candles, or a premium-quality eye mask for deep relaxation.
You’ll want to diversify the options on your registry to make it easier for contributors to select gifts that align with their budget and your needs. These practical and comfort-focused gifts not only provide material relief but also serve as tokens of emotional support from your community.
Tips for hosting and sharing your egg freezing registry
So where could you host such a registry? Existing platforms could easily be adapted for this purpose. A few possibilities include:
- Amazon: Given its almost universal reach and diverse product range.
- Target: A favorite for baby shower registries, the leap to egg freezing isn't a big one.
- GoFundMe: Already a popular choice for medical crowdfunding, this platform could provide a natural fit if you just need cash.
- Meal Train: Makes it easy for friends and family to help feed you!
Spreading the word about your egg freezing registry
Creating the registry is the first half of the equation; sharing it with your network is the other, equally nuanced, half. The act of disseminating your egg freezing registry becomes not just an invitation for contributions but also an opening for dialogue, education, and emotional connection.
Much like sharing any significant life news, timing is pivotal. You may want to inform the closest people in your life individually before broadcasting it more broadly.
When you share your registry, include a personalized message explaining why you've chosen to freeze your eggs and how their support can be instrumental. This humanizes what might otherwise seem like a straightforward transaction, adding layers of meaning and context.
We recommend emphasizing that you appreciate any support or celebration and that there is zero pressure to contribute. There are multiple ways to show support, be it emotional or material. This may be especially helpful to include, as some recipients may be financially constrained or morally conflicted.
As your journey progresses, keeping your contributors updated adds an extra layer of engagement and acknowledgment. It’s an opportunity to show the impact of their support, which goes beyond monetary contributions and enters the realm of emotional sustenance.
Creating an egg freezing registry is more than a logistical step; it’s an emotional and sociocultural undertaking that can serve various roles: a litmus test for societal progress, a platform for dialogue, and an arena for collective emotional investment. Navigate it with the same sensitivity and thoughtfulness you applied when deciding to freeze your eggs in the first place, and you can open up spaces not just for communal contributions but for meaningful human connections as well.
Freeze your eggs with Cofertility
We’d love the opportunity to support you on your egg freezing journey.
Through our Split program, qualified freezers can freeze their eggs for free when donating half of the eggs retrieved to a family who can’t otherwise conceive.
Through our Keep program — where you keep 100% of eggs retrieved for your own future use — we offer exclusive discounts on expenses, such as frozen egg storage. Keep members also still gain free access to our Freeze by Co Community, a safe space for those engaging in the egg freezing process (or gearing up for it) to connect and lean on each other.
By making egg freezing easier and more accessible, our programs further strengthen the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)’s Committee opinion that egg freezing can help promote social justice and strengthen gender equality.

How Rachel Liverman Crane Overcame Medical Anxiety to Freeze Her Eggs
Rachel Liverman Crane is the Founder & CEO of the East Coast skincare facial concept Glow Bar. She's also taken a bold step in her personal life by freezing her eggs — a journey made even more remarkable by overcoming medical anxiety, a common fear that affects many people facing medical procedures.
Rachel Liverman Crane is the Founder & CEO of the East Coast skincare facial concept Glow Bar. Yet, her dynamic life doesn't end with her professional achievements; she's also taken a bold step in her personal life by freezing her eggs — a journey made even more remarkable by overcoming medical anxiety, a common fear that affects many people facing medical procedures.
Medical anxiety is more than a fleeting concern; it's a genuine fear that can hinder individuals from pursuing necessary or elective medical treatments. In Rachel's case, it was a hurdle she had to conquer on her path to securing future family planning options.
Her journey reflects a blend of determination, pragmatism, and an unwavering belief in one's self, sending a strong message to others about the power of informed choices and the beauty of self-confidence. By bravely facing her fears, Rachel serves as an inspiration to others who may be on the fence about egg freezing. Whether it's expanding a skincare brand or planning for a future family, she navigates life with grace, wisdom, and a touch of humor, embodying the future's endless possibilities.
In a candid interview with us, Rachel shares this journey, opening up about her experience with egg freezing and how she overcame the anxiety that often accompanies medical decisions.
Deciding to freeze
At the age of 35, while single and deeply focused on growing her business, Rachel made the decision to freeze her eggs. Recognizing that she wouldn't be having children in the immediate future, she saw this as a way to retain her focus on her career without the looming pressure of biological timing. "I figured I would freeze my eggs so my focus could remain on my career and not have the pressure of having kids feel so strong."
The process resulted in a "lucky dozen" of 12 eggs, with nine being frozen. Her AMH was 1.81, and she candidly shares her experience, describing herself as an "open book."

Embracing the process even with medical anxiety
When asked what she was most nervous about, Rachel replied, “The shots, the blood draws every morning, the anesthesia, the IV, the recovery — I worried about it all!”
“But in the end”, she says, “it was so simple and my doctor and his team took such great care of me the entire way.”
Having seen friends go through it, she knew what to expect, although the physical discomfort and bloating after retrieval did surprise her. “The thing that surprised me the most was how bloated and uncomfortable that would feel after the retrieval process.”
What stands out, however, is the empowerment and strength she felt after going through this elective procedure, particularly given her medical anxiety. "I was really proud of myself for doing something that scared me for my future self!"
Rachel, we’re proud of you too!
Facing the hard parts head-on
The journey wasn't without its challenges. The financial burden was a difficult aspect for her. As a startup founder, making such a significant investment had a real impact. Still, the sacrifice was worth it, even if it meant missing events like close friends' weddings abroad. "I don't have any regrets," she asserts.
Read more about paying for egg freezing:
Choosing Dr. Joshua Stewart at Dr. Joshua Stewart at Cornell for the procedure, she feels the decision has had a profoundly positive effect on her professional life. It allowed her to prioritize her career, team, and business without sacrificing personal aspirations.
Looking back and looking ahead
Looking back, the only thing she might have done differently is to take supplements or seek acupuncture to support her eggs. Yet, she considers the freezing of her eggs as part of her journey, jokingly referring to them as her "insurance plan" and the possibility of thawing these "cuties" to make babies if and when needed.
Rachel says that her relationships and dating life remained unaffected. Freezing her eggs just became "another part of me," not altering her approach to dating or personal relationships.
Advice for others
Her advice for others considering this path is wise and considerate. She urges people to talk to others who have undergone the process, ask questions, advocate for themselves, and not to push themselves if it doesn't feel right.
"Don't feel pressure to do this if it doesn't feel right for you. It's a serious and expensive procedure, so make sure that this is something that you really care about and feel is right for you and where you are today.” We couldn’t agree more!
Want to Donate Your Eggs? Tips on Talking It Over with Your Partner
If your partner is unfamiliar with the egg donation process, they may have numerous questions and concerns. Some of the most common questions revolve around the medical risks involved, potential contact with the intended parents (IPs), and the timeline of the whole process. Here's a guide to help you address these concerns.
Donating your eggs is an extraordinarily generous act. As an egg donor, you have the potential to help a family struggling with infertility or a same-sex couple realize their dreams of parenthood. But the decision to donate eggs is not one to be taken lightly, and it's natural to want the support and understanding of your family as you embark on this journey.
If your partner is unfamiliar with the egg donation process, they may have numerous questions and concerns. Some of the most common questions revolve around the medical risks involved, potential contact with the intended parents (IPs), and the timeline of the whole process. Here's a guide to help you address these concerns.
Should I tell my partner/boyfriend/spouse I want to donate my eggs?
While it is absolutely within your right to keep this information private, there are considerations that might sway you toward opening up about it.
First, it may be hard to hide. The egg donation process involves medical appointments, injections, and potentially some down time after the egg retrieval. It could become difficult to keep these aspects concealed, especially if you and your partner share many aspects of daily life. From a practical standpoint, hiding the process may add unnecessary stress or complications.
Second, you might want their support. Sharing the decision with your partner can foster open communication and enable emotional support throughout the process. It provides an opportunity for your partner to understand your motivations and to be part of the experience, even if only as a listener or a helping hand.
Your partner's reaction to this decision might also provide valuable insights into the relationship's dynamics. If the response is dismissive, excessively critical, or unsupportive, it may be a red flag that prompts further reflection on compatibility and shared values. Conversely, a supportive partner's response can strengthen the relationship, building deeper trust and empathy.
While there is no right answer, one thing is for certain, your decision to donate is yours and yours alone, and so is your decision to tell them… or not. This means you are the one who can best make this decision.
Read more in: Should I Tell People I'm Donating My Eggs?
Common questions partners may have
What is the medical risk?
Egg freezing is considered a safe procedure. In a single egg freezing cycle, the risk of a serious adverse event is under 2.5%. Severe OHSS accounts for the majority of complications, occurring in 0.1-2% of cycles. The risk of other acute complications, including pelvic infection, intraperitoneal hemorrhage, or ovarian torsion, is small (<0.5%). That being said, many women do experience minor side effects – like bloating, constipation, nausea – from the medications and egg retrieval. Side effects are typically mild and short-lived.
Egg donation requires a series of hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries into producing multiple eggs during a single cycle. You can assure your partner that these medications are prescribed under the careful supervision of a fertility doctor.
The egg retrieval process itself is a minor surgical procedure done under sedation, so you won't feel anything during the procedure. Post-procedure discomfort is typically minimal and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.
You can remind your partner that all steps of this process are carefully monitored by experienced, board-certified fertility doctors who prioritize your health and safety above all.
Will you be freezing eggs or embryos and why?
If you’re in a relationship with a biologically male partner, they may be wondering if you are going to freeze embryos or eggs.
While it’s true that thawing success rates can be slightly higher for embryos than eggs (at a 95% survival rate vs 90% for eggs), the downside is that once an egg is fertilized with sperm, there’s no going back, so freezing eggs instead of embryos will give you more options down the line.
We know, this might be a little bit of an awkward one to bring up with your partner, but it might come up at some point, so the best you can do is be prepared with the facts.
Read more in:
Will egg donation impact your ability to have kids in the future?
Egg donation, which is the same medical procedure as egg freezing, won’t lower your egg reserve and it won’t affect your chances of getting pregnant naturally when you’re ready to do so.
In fact, participating in our Split program – where you freeze your eggs for free when donating half to another family – can actually increase your chances of having a baby down the line because you are preserving younger eggs.
Who are the parents that need donor eggs?
Many types of families need egg donors to grow their family, including people facing infertility, LGBTQ+ couples, cancer survivors, women with age-related fertility decline, and more.
Sharing more about the family you are matched with can help humanize the experience.
What will your relationship be like with the intended parents?
The level of contact with the intended parents is highly dependent on the agreement you reach beforehand. Some arrangements are undisclosed, with no information exchanged between you and the IPs. Other arrangements are disclosed, allowing varying degrees of communication and contact, such as the exchange of letters or even face-to-face meetings.
Your choice about the type of relationship you wish to have with the IPs is up to you, and you should assure your partner that you will make the choice that feels right.
Does this mean our future kids will have siblings out there?
Technically speaking, children born from your donated eggs would share a genetic link with you, as well as with any of your existing biological relatives. However, neither you nor your partner would have any legal or parental ties to these children.
A sentiment eloquently expressed by one of our egg donors to her boyfriend captures this nuance: “I view egg donation as an act of helping others realize their family dreams. The children born from my eggs will belong to their own families, not ours. While the connection may be biological, it isn't familial."
What are the legal implications?
Understanding the legal rights and obligations associated with egg donation is important. You can let your partner know that before the egg donation process begins, you will sign a legal contract that outlines the rights and obligations of all parties involved. This includes an agreement to relinquish all parental rights to any children born from the donated eggs.
How does Cofertility work?
Cofertility’s Split program offers women a chance to both freeze their own eggs and donate half the eggs to a family who cannot conceive otherwise. Every expense associated with the egg freezing procedure — medications, supplements, travel if necessary, insurance, and 10 years of storage — are completely free of charge.
Cofertility assigns a Member Advocate to each donor to support her throughout the entire journey. They’ll be there every step of the way as appointments get scheduled and plans for the cycle are made. No question is too small for Cofertility’s Member Advocate team. Plus, Split members have support of our entire community of others going through the same process.
How much time will it take?
The timeline can vary depending on several factors, including your menstrual cycle and the matching process with intended parents. The process begins with an application, followed by a screening process, which can take several weeks.
Once approved and matched with the IPs, you'll start the ovarian stimulation process, which takes about two weeks. This involves daily hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries. The egg retrieval procedure is scheduled once the eggs are mature, typically after 10-14 days of stimulation. Following the retrieval, you will have a brief recovery period, usually a day or two, to allow any minor discomfort or side effects to dissipate. You will know immediately how many eggs were retrieved and frozen for your own future use.
In total, from match to retrieval, the process can take anywhere from two to four months.
Will you get enough eggs to use in the future?
Being part of Cofertility’s program means you passed rigorous medical screening, including AMH and antral follicle count, and that our medical team and the doctor performing the egg retrieval believe you are a good candidate for egg sharing. This doesn’t guarantee that you will get a lot of eggs, but it is pretty predictable.
Furthermore, a UK study of egg sharing amongst IVF patients found that participating in an egg sharing program did not compromise the chance of achieving a pregnancy or live birth for the egg sharer or the recipient.
Summing it up
Your partner’s concerns and questions about your decision to become an egg donor are understandable. They want to ensure your safety and wellbeing, and these are valid concerns.
As you discuss the process, remind them of your reasons for making this choice and assure them of your commitment to understanding and minimizing the risks involved. Encourage them to accompany you to a medical consultation if possible, to provide them an opportunity to hear information directly from professionals, and to ask any questions they may have.
Your act of egg donation could bring immense joy to a family longing for a child. It's a beautiful decision, and having your partner’s understanding and support will undoubtedly make the journey even sweeter.
Read more:
How to Talk to Your Family About Donating Your Eggs
If your family is unfamiliar with the egg donation process, they may have numerous questions and concerns. Some of the most common questions revolve around the medical risks involved, potential contact with the intended parents (IPs), and the timeline of the whole process. Here's a guide to help you address these concerns.
Donating your eggs is an extraordinarily generous act. As an egg donor, you have the potential to help a family struggling with infertility or a same-sex couple realize their dreams of parenthood. But the decision to donate eggs is not one to be taken lightly, and it's natural to want the support and understanding of your family as you embark on this journey.
If your family is unfamiliar with the egg donation process, they may have numerous questions and concerns. Some of the most common questions revolve around the medical risks involved, potential contact with the intended parents (IPs), and the timeline of the whole process. Here's a guide to help you address these concerns.
Should I tell my family I’m an egg donor?
While there is no right answer, one thing is for certain, your decision to donate is yours and yours alone, and so is your decision to tell them… or not. This means you are the one who can best make this decision.
So when thinking through this decision, it is helpful to think about the relationships you have and what you feel comfortable telling those close to you. How supportive will they be about your decision? Do you feel afraid they might criticize you or not understand why you would want to do this, or try and talk you out of it? What is your fear or concern about telling, and how do you think this information will impact your relationships?
Read more in Should I Tell People I'm Donating My Eggs?
Common questions family members may have
What is the medical risk?
Egg freezing is considered a safe procedure. In a single egg freezing cycle, the risk of a serious adverse event is under 2.5%. Severe OHSS accounts for the majority of complications, occuring in 0.1-2% of cycles. The risk of other acute complications, including pelvic infection, intraperitoneal hemorrhage, or ovarian torsion, is small (<0.5%). That being said, many women do experience minor side effects – like bloating, constipation, nausea – from the medications and egg retrieval. Side effects are typically mild and short-lived.
Egg donation requires a series of hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries into producing multiple eggs during a single cycle. You can assure your family that these medications are prescribed under the careful supervision of a fertility doctor.
The egg retrieval process itself is a minor surgical procedure done under sedation, so you won't feel anything during the procedure. Post-procedure discomfort is typically minimal and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.
You can remind your family that all steps of this process are carefully monitored by experienced fertility doctors who prioritize your health and safety above all.
Will egg donation impact your ability to have kids in the future?
Egg donation, which is the same medical procedure as egg freezing, won’t lower your egg reserve and it won’t affect your chances of getting pregnant naturally when you’re ready to do so. In fact, participating in our Split program – where you freeze your eggs for free when donating half to another family – can actually increase your chances of having a baby down the line because you are preserving younger eggs.
Who are the parents that need donor eggs?
Many types of families need egg donors to grow their family, including people facing infertility, LGBTQ+ couples, cancer survivors, women with age-related fertility decline, and more.
Sharing more about the family you are matched with can help humanize the experience.
What will your relationship be like with the intended parents?
The level of contact with the intended parents is highly dependent on the agreement you reach beforehand. Some arrangements are undisclosed, with no information exchanged between you and the IPs. Other arrangements are disclosed, allowing varying degrees of communication and contact, such as the exchange of letters or even face-to-face meetings.
Your choice about the type of relationship you wish to have with the IPs is up to you, and you should assure your family that you will make the choice that feels right.
What are the legal implications?
Understanding the legal rights and obligations associated with egg donation is important. You can let your family know that before the egg donation process begins, you will sign a legal contract that outlines the rights and obligations of all parties involved. This includes an agreement to relinquish all parental rights to any children born from the donated eggs.
All donors are given independent legal representation – at no expense – to explain the contract and ensure all your interests are protected.
How does Cofertility work?
Cofertility’s Split program offers women a chance to both freeze their own eggs and donate half the eggs to a family who cannot conceive otherwise. Every expense associated with the egg freezing procedure — medications, supplements, travel if necessary, insurance, and 10 years of storage — are completely free of charge.
Cofertility assigns a Member Advocate to each donor to support her throughout the entire journey. They’ll be there every step of the way as appointments get scheduled and plans for the cycle are made. No question is too small for Cofertility’s Member Advocate team. Plus, Split members have support of our entire community of others going through the same process.
How many babies are born via egg donation each year?
The exact number of babies born via egg donation each year can be difficult to determine due to variations in reporting standards worldwide. However, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 12% of all in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures in the United States involve the use of donor eggs. This suggests that thousands of babies are born each year thanks to egg donation.
How much time will it take?
Egg donation isn't a quick process, but the timeline can vary depending on several factors, including your menstrual cycle and the matching process with intended parents. The process begins with an application, followed by a screening process, which can take several weeks.
Once approved and matched with the IPs, you'll start the ovarian stimulation process, which takes about two weeks. This involves daily hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries. The egg retrieval procedure is scheduled once the eggs are mature, typically after 10-14 days of stimulation. Following the retrieval, you will have a brief recovery period, usually a day or two, to allow any minor discomfort or side effects to dissipate. You will know immediately how many eggs were retrieved and frozen for your own future use.
In total, from match to recovery, the process can take anywhere from two to four months.
Final thoughts
Your family's concerns and questions about your decision to become an egg donor are understandable. They want to ensure your safety and wellbeing, and these are valid concerns.
As you discuss the process, remind them of your reasons for making this choice and assure them of your commitment to understanding and minimizing the risks involved. Encourage them to accompany you to a medical consultation if possible, to provide them an opportunity to hear information directly from professionals, and to ask any questions they may have.
Your act of egg donation could bring immense joy to a couple longing for a child. It's a profound decision, and having your family's understanding and support will undoubtedly make the journey smoother.
How to Support Your Partner Through the Cofertility Split Program
If you are part of Cofertility’s Split Program, or even donating your eggs elsewhere, this is a helpful guide to share with your partner.
If you are part of Cofertility’s Split Program, or even donating your eggs elsewhere, this is a helpful guide to share with your partner.
At Cofertility, we are on a mission to support individuals and families across different phases of the fertility journey. Our work transcends the boundaries of traditional fertility care, forging connections that breathe life into the dreams of thousands of families, both today and the future.
Through our unique Split Program, we've had the privilege of working with many egg freezers and donors, and know the experience varies widely. We've witnessed joy, apprehension, hope, and triumph, and we've come to recognize that the process of egg sharing is multifaceted and profound. Our journey with these remarkable individuals has not only exposed us to the wide spectrum of emotions and decisions, but has also underscored the indispensable role of a robust support system throughout the journey.
Becoming an egg donor presents a multitude of emotional, physical, and ethical considerations. How, then, can friends, family, or significant others support a Split member during this journey?
In the following guide, we hope to share the insights we've gathered, offering a pathway for those seeking to support a loved one through this journey.
Understand the process
It’s helpful for you to understand the logistical and medical process your partner or loved one is going through. Here are a few guides to get up to speed:
- What's the Egg Retrieval Process Like?
- Everything You Need To Know About Egg Freezing Medication
- The Ultimate Guide to the Split Program
- Disclosed vs. Undisclosed Egg Donation: How Should I Choose?
- What are the Side Effects and Risks of Egg Freezing?
Offer assistance
The Split members' journey with egg freezing will require numerous medical appointments for ultrasounds and bloodwork. Your presence at these appointments can provide a reassuring sense of companionship.
But the most important task is being their reliable ride home from the egg retrieval procedure (in fact, it’s required that they do not drive after this procedure). This might be a clinic near home or you may be asked to travel with your partner to a clinic near the intended parents (if this is the case, travel expenses for both of you will be covered).
Once they get home, ensuring they have the things they need to be comfortable—whether it's a favorite blanket, soothing tea, or just your comforting presence—can make a significant difference in their experience. These thoughtful actions underscore the human connection at the heart of this medical process, turning what could be a solitary journey into a shared experience of empathy and care.
Egg freezing is considered a safe procedure, and complications are rare. But you should know the red flags. If you notice any of the symptoms below, report them to the healthcare provider asap:
- Temperature above 101 F
- Severe abdominal pain or swelling
- Severe nausea or vomiting that doesn’t go away
- Heavy vaginal bleeding (soaking through a pad in an hour; some light bleeding is normal)
- Difficulty urinating, or painful urination
- Fainting or dizziness
Help with the shots
The first step in the egg freezing process is to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs to be retrieved. This is done with the use of fertility medication, administered in the form of injectable hormones over 10-12 days.
Helping your loved one with these required injections is huge. This is not a task for everyone, and it's completely understandable if it falls outside your comfort zone. If you do have the capacity and willingness to assist with administering the shots, your help would undoubtedly be appreciated.
However, even if you prefer not to take a hands-on role, your presence while they give themselves the shot can still make a meaningful difference.
Simply keeping them company, offering words of encouragement, or offering a little treat (chocolate?) or surprise after each shot can transform an intimidating necessity into a shared moment of support and connection.
Respect the decision
Friends, family, and partners should respect the donor's autonomy in this deeply personal decision. Recognize that this choice belongs solely to the person making it, and it may reflect a multitude of considerations, both practical and emotional.
Respecting this decision requires acknowledging your partner's autonomy and avoiding any attempts to influence or question her choice. Supporting her means listening without judgment, asking thoughtful questions to understand her perspective, and reassuring her of your support.
Research shows that egg donors are generally happy with their decision and the vast majority do not regret it (in one study of an egg sharing program, only 2.1% regretted their decision to participate). And anecdotally speaking, donors we work with at Cofertility are grateful for the opportunity to donate their eggs and keep half of the eggs retrieved for their own future use, for free.
Concerns and curiosity are natural, but they must be handled with delicacy and empathy. Being there for her doesn't mean agreeing with her on every point but rather offering a safe space where she can express her feelings and thoughts freely.
Empirical studies on autonomy and healthcare decisions reinforce the importance of respecting individual choices, particularly those concerning one's body and reproductive rights. In the context of egg donation, this principle becomes paramount, reflecting the ethical, emotional, and personal dimensions of the choice at hand.
Celebrate the achievement
Egg freezing and donation can be an expression of personal values, a decision that encapsulates a woman's beliefs, or simply an achievement that deserves acknowledgment and celebration.
Celebrating this achievement can take many forms, from simple words of congratulations and admiration to more elaborate expressions of support. It might mean throwing a small celebration, writing a heartfelt letter, or finding another personal way to convey pride and gratitude.
Celebration does not necessarily mean a public declaration but rather an authentic and personal acknowledgment of the strength, courage, and compassion embodied in the decision itself. The act of recognizing and honoring this choice can create a shared moment of joy and connection, strengthening the bonds between the donor and those closest to her.
In summary
Through our work with hundreds of donors, we've learned that the path is never solitary, nor should it be. The role of friends, family, partners, and significant others in this process cannot be overstated.
From understanding the technical aspects of the process to being a comforting presence during medical appointments, offering assistance with injections, respecting personal choices, and celebrating the decision, the support system surrounding a donor becomes an integral part of the experience. These connections not only ease the logistical and emotional challenges but transform the process into a shared journey that's imbued with empathy, respect, and love.
Our commitment to supporting individuals and families remains unwavering. By fostering a robust network of support and sharing our insights, we hope to make the journey not only more approachable but also more meaningful. The dreams of creating and nurturing life are collective ones, and we at Cofertility are honored to be part of these intimate and extraordinary stories.
How to Increase Egg Freezing Chances of Success
If you’re thinking about freezing your eggs, you probably have tons of questions. In this article, we’re going to focus on a very common question: “How can I increase my chances of success when I freeze my eggs?”
More and more people in the US (and the rest of the world) are taking control of their reproductive health and fertility by choosing to freeze their eggs. Whether this is so they can focus on a career, get an insurance policy with coverage for treatments, or because of medical reasons, this has allowed people to delay having children until whenever they’re ready to start a family.
If you’re thinking about freezing your eggs, you probably have tons of questions. In this article, we’re going to focus on a very common question: “How can I increase my chances of success when I freeze my eggs?”
Factors that can affect egg freezing success rates
Before an egg freezing cycle
Let’s start by going through what specific things make a difference in your chances of success before you even freeze your eggs.
Age has been proven by countless research studies to be one of the biggest determinants of egg quality. As a person ages, their eggs are more likely to become aneuploid, meaning they’re genetically “abnormal.” This can lead to issues with both getting and staying pregnant (i.e, higher risk of miscarriages). On top of that, as a person ages, the number of eggs their ovaries contain continues to decrease naturally. Once a person reaches their mid to late thirties, the quality and quantity of eggs starts to go down more quickly. While there is no “perfect” age at which to freeze your eggs, freezing them before you reach your late 30s is considered ideal.
AMH level
Another important factor is your Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) level. This is a simple blood test that is commonly used to tell us a person’s reproductive potential based on the number and the quality of eggs they have left in their ovaries. AMH is released by antral follicles, which are small, fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries that each contain a single oocyte (immature egg). Your AMH level is positively correlated with the number of antral follicles you have in your ovaries. Simply stated, the more follicles you have, the higher your AMH level typically is. AMH naturally goes down as a person gets older until it reaches close to zero during perimenopause. While there is no international standard for what a normal AMH level is, some studies have tried to create models for what’s considered normal for specific ages. Check out this article to find out more about AMH levels at different ages.
Antral follicle count
Antral follicle count (AFC) is another number to be aware of before egg freezing. AFC is used in fertility assessments to estimate the number of developing follicles in someone’s ovaries at a specific point in the menstrual cycle using ultrasound. As mentioned before, the more follicles you have (the higher your AFC is), the higher your AMH level. And just like your AMH, your AFC will also naturally go down as you age.
How these values affect your egg freezing success
Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot that can be done about aging or about the decline in AMH and AFC that goes with it but there are a few things to know about how they affect your egg freezing changes.
- Ovarian reserve assessment. Age, AMH and AFC all provide valuable information about a person’s ovarian reserve. In general, younger age, higher AMH levels, and a higher AFC are good indicators that you have a larger pool of potential eggs in the ovaries. This means that you’re more likely to produce more eggs during an egg retrieval cycle, which increases the chances of a successful egg freezing cycle.
- Response to ovarian stimulation. Part of the egg freezing cycle includes taking medications to stimulate the ovaries to develop multiple eggs at once (as opposed to just one during a natural, unmedicated menstrual cycle). The response to these medications can vary based on age, AMH, and AFC. People who are younger and those who have a higher AFC/AMH tend to have a better response and produce more mature eggs during the stimulation. This increases the chances of retrieving a larger number of high-quality eggs for freezing.
- Number of cycles. In some cases, people with a lower AFC and/or AMH may have to go through more than one egg freezing cycle in order to get an adequate number of eggs. This can get costly and time-consuming pretty quickly.
- Future fertility potential. The number and quality of frozen eggs affects the chances of having a successful pregnancy when the frozen eggs are later thawed, fertilized, and transferred during an in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. A higher AFC and AMH can mean a higher number of frozen eggs, which increases a person’s chances of success in the future. However, neither of these numbers is the end-all-be-all here. In fact, while AMH does seem to have some association with live birth rates after IVF, its ability to actually predict a live birth is not that great, especially for younger people.
Again, all three of these factors aren’t necessarily things you can change so it can be easy to get discouraged if your values aren’t where you want them to be. Remember that each of these is just one value your provider looks at to assess your overall reproductive potential. No value by itself can completely predict your chances of conceiving naturally or define your fertility. A comprehensive assessment of a person’s fertility potential has to be done by a fertility specialist before jumping to any conclusions and making decisions about fertility preservation.
During an egg freezing cycle
Now, let’s go through the factors during an egg freezing cycle that can affect your chances of success.
Quantity and quality of eggs retrieved
The success rates of egg freezing cycles are significantly influenced by both the number and quality of eggs retrieved. The number of eggs retrieved is important because it directly correlates with the chances of developing viable embryos after thawing. This is definitely a case of “more is more”--the more eggs that are successfully frozen, the higher the probability of having viable embryos when the time comes.
However, the quality of the retrieved eggs is just as important. High-quality eggs have a better chance of surviving the freezing and thawing process than low-quality ones. So, as you can imagine, a cycle with lots of eggs that are all low-quality isn’t necessarily more successful than another cycle that produced less eggs but they’re all high-quality.
As a result, fertility providers will always aim to maximize both the quantity and quality of the eggs retrieved. This is essential for improving the success rates of egg freezing cycles so that, ultimately, we end up with healthier embryos and better chances of a successful pregnancy.
Type of freezing method used
There are two main techniques used for freezing eggs: slow freezing and vitrification. The slow freezing method involves gradually lowering the temperature of the eggs, which allows ice crystals to form within the cells. This process can damage the delicate internal structure of the eggs, which can lead to lower viability and success rates once the eggs are thawed. In contrast, vitrification is a freezing process that solidifies the eggs quickly without forming ice crystals. This method protects the cell’s internal structures better and has been shown to increase post-thaw survival rates. This in turn, means higher success rates during IVF treatments. It makes complete sense, then, that vitrification has become the preferred way to freeze eggs.
Tips to increase egg freezing success rates
Alright, so now that we’ve established what’s important when it comes to egg freezing, what exactly can you do to maximize these factors for yourself?
- Consider freezing your eggs at a younger age. There may not be much we can do about the fact that we’re all getting older but in terms of egg freezing, the general rule is that the younger you can do it, the better. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the ideal time to freeze your eggs is in your 20s and early 30s, while you have more eggs and those eggs are healthier. So, whether you’re 25 or 35, your eggs today are still probably healthier than your eggs in one, five or 10 years!
- Optimize your fertility health before beginning the egg freezing process. This step will look a little different from person to person since everyone has their own unique medical history and concerns. Generally speaking though, optimizing your health will include following a balanced diet and making other healthy lifestyle choices. In some cases, you may want to consider adding certain vitamins and supplements to your regimen too. Make sure to talk to your fertility specialist if you’re not sure!
- Consider using a different type of freezing method. Ask your fertility provider which method they plan to use when freezing your eggs. Vitrification is the more common method now given its improved outcomes when compared to slow freezing but it doesn’t hurt to confirm that this is the method your particular clinic uses.
- Consider doing multiple egg retrieval cycles. If you have the resources and time to do multiple cycles, this can vastly improve the pool of eggs to choose from in the future. This is an especially helpful option for people who are older or have a low AMH level or AFC. If your fertility provider thinks more cycles will improve your chances, they’ll discuss those recommendations with you.
- Be particular about the clinic you choose. There are a ton of fertility clinics to choose from nowadays, so take the time to do some detective work and find one that works for your needs. If you know people who’ve used a fertility clinic, ask them for their honest opinions. Read reviews. Look up the providers’ credentials (usually listed on the clinic’s website). You can also find out the clinic’s success rates in terms of live births and other important statistics through their website. Schedule a couple consultations to compare your options. Make sure to come with questions and to actually ask them all. If you’re not sure what to ask, check out some suggestions here.
Emotional considerations
It’s important that we take a second to talk about the emotional side of this experience. For many people, the decision to freeze their eggs is tied to hopes of preserving future fertility. When a lab test or a cycle doesn't yield the desired results, there can be feelings of hopelessness, frustration, sadness, anxiety, and uncertainty about future family planning options. On top of that, this isn’t a cheap or simple process! So there can be disappointment stemming from both the financial and physical investments that have been made.
Because of all of this, seeking support and guidance throughout this process has to be a priority. Support from both loved ones and through professional counseling can make a huge difference when it comes to coping with the emotions you might be dealing with.
Establishing clear and open communication with your fertility providers also plays a key part in helping people cope with the challenges that might come up. Your providers know the ins and outs of your particular situation so they’re the most qualified to tell you what you need to prioritize (and what you can ignore) to improve the success of your egg freezing cycle(s).
With all the nuances involved here, it’s important not to get lost in the weeds. Fertility is impacted by so many factors that you can drive yourself crazy trying to manage all of them. Remember, you are more than any number.
To recap, there are several different factors that can affect the success of an egg freezing cycle including your age, AMH level, AFC, the number and quality of eggs retrieved, and the type of freeing method used. Some of these, you don’t have control over. For the ones you can control, there are a few things you can do.
Optimizing your fertility health before the egg freezing process, freezing your eggs at a younger age, doing more than one cycle, and using a safer freezing option are all ways that you can improve your chances of a successful freezing cycle. This process can be so overwhelming— focusing on the things that you can control can help you feel more grounded throughout your fertility journey.
Freeze by Co is here to help you every step of the way on that journey. With our Keep program, you’re able to freeze your eggs and keep them all for yourself, on your timeline. In addition, you’ll have access to our online support community, the Nest. This is a valuable resource that lets you engage with other people freezing their eggs at the same time!

The Fearless Journey: Missy Modell on Freezing Her Eggs
In a candid interview with Cofertility, Missy Modell shares her journey of freezing her eggs, a deeply personal and empowering decision that reflects the challenges and choices women face today.
Missy Modell is no stranger to breaking boundaries. A fierce advocate for women's rights and an inspiring artist, she is open and honest about her own experiences. In a candid interview with us, Missy shares her journey of freezing her eggs, a deeply personal and empowering decision that reflects the challenges and choices women face today.
From doubt to decision
"I was really against egg freezing at first!" Missy shared. But her initial resistance gave way to reflection and realization. "Ultimately, I decided that at this very moment in my life and career, I am not ready to have children but I do know that I want them at some point."
The process: challenges and triumphs
Missy started the process at 35, but got scared and held off for a year. She finally began a year later, but observed significant changes in her body during that year, as her AMH dropped from 2.5 to 1.5, a realization that underscored the urgency of her decision. "I knew that if I was going to do it, now was the time!" she told us.
They ultimately retrieved 13 eggs and were able to freeze 10. Missy's reflections resonate with empowerment and gratitude. The rewards were not just in the outcomes but in the newfound connection with her body and a sense of autonomy and control over her future. Her journey is a testament to resilience, self-awareness, and the power of informed and thoughtful decision-making.
On the complexities of the egg freezing process, Missy shared, "The hardest part was honestly the aftermath. I had a sense of doom and depressed feelings that lasted a few weeks."
But her journey wasn't without triumphs. "The thing that worried me most was being under anesthesia for the retrieval, but that ended up being one of the seamless parts of the whole experience! I felt so safe," she revealed.

Reflections and looking ahead
"I honestly can’t believe I did it! I am really proud of myself and very happy with my decision," Missy said, looking back on the experience. Her relationship with her body changed profoundly as well: "The entire journey made me feel so connected to my body, my cycle, and other women who have also undergone fertility treatment."
"The entire journey made me feel so connected to my body, my cycle, and other women who have also undergone fertility treatment."
This connection, born from a deeply personal experience, transcends the medical procedure itself. It's a testament to a shared understanding and empathy among women who have faced similar decisions. Missy's story isn't just about the choices she made for her future; it's a unifying narrative that resonates with countless women navigating their reproductive journeys, forging bonds of strength, compassion, and courage.
Advice for others
Missy's advice for others is rich in empathy and wisdom. "Freezing your eggs is not a failure. It took me so long to get past the shame of it all but I quickly learned that it’s an incredibly kind thing to do for yourself." She also stresses the importance of self-care, advising, "Be compassionate and kind to yourself. This is a very emotional process that brings up a LOT. Focus on the gratitude for being able to go through this process in the first place and how good you will feel when it’s done!"
Freezing your eggs is not a failure. It took me so long to get past the shame of it all but I quickly learned that it’s an incredibly kind thing to do for yourself.
Missy Modell's candid and heartfelt sharing paints a vivid picture of a journey filled with challenges, resilience, and empowerment. Her experience, in her own words, showcases a deeply personal aspect of women's health that often goes unspoken. Missy's story is more than just about egg freezing; it's a celebration of female strength, autonomy, and the embracing of life's possibilities. Her reflection rings loud and clear: "Women are truly fearless," and her own story stands as a testament to that truth.
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