See if you qualify for free egg freezing.
Person walking through a crosswalk, holding a phone and tablet in one hand, a coffee cup in the other. Photo is taken from the shoulders down and they are wearing a long coat and high heeled boots.

Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, has grown in popularity, with a 46% increase in egg freezing cycles from 2020 to 2021 alone! This transformative medical procedure has garnered significant attention and interest. 

Amidst all the buzz and excitement, it's important to navigate your egg freezing journey with the facts. To ensure a successful and fulfilling experience, we've curated a guide to help you avoid seven common mistakes people make when freezing their eggs. 

Working with the wrong doctor

The importance of selecting the right doctor for your egg freezing journey cannot be overstated. Entrusting your reproductive health to a skilled and compassionate fertility specialist is paramount. Choosing a doctor who understands your unique needs, communicates effectively, and provides personalized care is essential for a successful egg freezing experience. 

Take the time to research and seek recommendations, ensuring you find a doctor who aligns with your values, instills confidence, and supports you every step of the way. Remember, the right doctor can make all the difference in your pursuit of fertility preservation.

Read more in What To Look For in An Egg Freezing Clinic

Not freezing their eggs sooner

We are born with all the eggs we will ever have, and lose them each month until we hit menopause and no eggs remain. Not only that, but our quality of eggs decline along with quantity. This is because eggs are more likely to contain chromosomal abnormalities (mistakes in their DNA) as we get older. 

One of the biggest mistakes individuals make is underestimating the impact of age on egg freezing. Fertility specialists often emphasize the significance of freezing eggs at a younger age, ideally before 40. Time is a precious resource when it comes to preserving fertility, and being proactive ensures a higher chance of success.

One survey study of 98 patients found that the vast majority of egg freezers showed no regret, stating that it was a good decision. But some stated that their only regret was not doing it sooner.

Overlooking lifestyle factors

Creating an optimal environment for egg freezing involves mindful attention to various lifestyle factors. Mistakes are made when individuals underestimate the significance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy habits. Embrace a nutrient-rich diet, prioritize stress management techniques, and maintain a consistent sleep routine. By incorporating these lifestyle choices, you not only enhance your overall well-being but also create an environment conducive to successful egg freezing.

Skipping the pre-freezing fertility assessment

Embarking on the egg freezing journey without a comprehensive fertility assessment is akin to navigating uncharted waters without a map. To avoid this mistake, consult a knowledgeable fertility specialist who can evaluate your ovarian reserve, hormonal levels, and overall reproductive health. This pre-freezing evaluation allows for a tailored approach and provides valuable insights into your ovarian reserve, which can help predict how well your body would respond to egg freezing medications. Knowledge is power, and a thorough assessment is the first step towards a graceful and informed decision.

Ignoring emotional support

The egg freezing journey can be emotionally charged, as it involves contemplation of one's fertility and future family-building aspirations. Neglecting emotional support during this transformative process is a common yet avoidable mistake. Seek a support system composed of loved ones, therapists, or support groups who can provide guidance, empathy, and understanding. Emotional well-being is the cornerstone of this journey, and by tending to it, you pave the way for a more harmonious experience.

If you freeze your eggs with Cofertility, our inclusive online spaces allow you to connect with others going through the process at the same time.

Thinking it’s an insurance policy

One misunderstanding people make when freezing their eggs is viewing it as an insurance policy against future infertility. While egg freezing does offer a chance to preserve fertility potential, it's important to understand its limitations and set realistic expectations.

Egg freezing is not a guarantee of future pregnancy. It is a proactive step to preserve eggs at a younger age when they are more viable, increasing the chances of successful conception later on. However, there are various factors that can influence the outcome, such as the quality of the eggs, overall health, age at the time of egg freezing, quality of the egg freezing clinic, sperm health, and the chosen fertility treatment in the future.

It's essential to have a clear understanding of the success rates associated with egg freezing and the potential limitations. The chances of achieving a successful pregnancy with frozen eggs can vary depending on individual factors and the quality of the eggs at the time of freezing. Consulting with a fertility doctor can provide valuable insights into your specific situation.

Failing to plan for the future

Freezing eggs is a remarkable step towards reproductive empowerment, but it should not be seen as a standalone solution. A mistake often made is neglecting to plan for the future beyond egg freezing. Engage in discussions with your fertility doctor about next steps, including potential pathways to parenthood, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). By mapping out your future plans, you embrace a sense of preparedness and ensure a seamless transition when the time comes to utilize your frozen eggs.

Paying too much

One of the common mistakes people make when freezing their eggs is not fully understanding the costs involved and potentially paying more than necessary. The pricing structure for egg freezing can be complex and opaque, leading to confusion and unexpected financial burdens. Average egg freezing cycle costs range from $10,000 - $20,000 for consultations, testing, ultrasounds, medications, and the egg retrieval, plus the ongoing cost of annual storage.

If you work with Cofertility, you can rest assured that you’re getting the best price when working with one of our partner clinics. Through our Keep program, we offer our members partnerships and discounts to lighten the financial load of egg freezing, as well as access to our member community.

Or, in our Split program, which offers women a chance to freeze your eggs *for free* when donating half the eggs to a family who cannot otherwise conceive. If you qualify for the program, every expense associated with the egg freezing procedure —  medications, supplements, travel if necessary, insurance, and 10 years of storage — are completely free of charge. We don’t even need a payment or credit card up front, as the family you match with covers all the expenses.

Let us help you freeze those eggs!

If you are interested in freezing your eggs, we can connect you with a fertility specialist for a consultation to discuss your specific situation. Our Freeze by Co platform is making egg freezing more empowering, positive, and accessible — even free — when you give half of the eggs retrieved to a family who can’t otherwise conceive.