See if you qualify for free egg freezing.
A woman and toddler blow through a bubble wand in a field

As if choosing to freeze or donate your eggs isn’t a big enough decision — now it’s time to choose who you’re going to work with to do it. With a seemingly endless number of fertility clinics, agencies, and egg banks to choose from (some with more questionable marketing tactics than others), we know how daunting this decision can feel. We’re firm believers in the power of community and know that the best way to make a decision as big as this one is to hear firsthand from other people who have gone through the process themselves. We asked some of our Split members and intended parents about why they chose Cofertility and their experiences so far. Keep reading to see what they had to say.

Why Cofertility?

"Physicians are often forced to sacrifice their most fertile years for their training, and that becomes such a huge source of anxiety for so many female doctors.

This is an opportunity to preserve some of your fertility while doing something amazing for another family." - Christina, Split member

“Something that has held me back from starting a family is financial limitations. However, if I could give someone the opportunity while I pursue my career in hopes of becoming financially unlimited, that would be amazing. ” - Nancy, Split member

"As a fourth year med student, I'm at a stage in my life where having a family isn't really an option and it won't be for 5-10 years. This idea is just beautiful. I can't believe we didn't figure something like this out sooner." - Emily, Split member

“I am incredibly independent and feel that I want to best prepare myself to have options in the future if I have a child on my own or with a partner, that I can ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy in my future when I choose to do so. Entering my late 20s, I have seen more and more of my friends struggle with fertility issues and how incredibly difficult that process is. As a long time nanny, there's nothing more that makes me happy than knowing how love a child can be, so why not be part of that journey!” Claire, Split member

Hear from some of our matched Split members

“Once I met the prospective parents, it was clear they selected me more for my personality than any physical attributes. Overall, I’ve felt like I’m valued as a complete person, not just for my eggs—and they’re so happy to help me on my fertility journey as well.” - Kristen, Split member.”

“[It was important to me to match with a couple] where at least one person was African American. I was also drawn to helping another queer couple in this process. Fortunately, there’s a lot of autonomy and flexibility in terms of what this [journey] looks like for each person.” - Arianna, Split member

Hear from Intended Parents

“We feel so lucky to have come across Cofertility as we’re making the most important decision of our life. They’ve taken what’s become a depersonalized journey and made it into something deeply emotional. They take the time to get to know Intended Parents and Split Members to make sure it’s a perfectly aligned match all around." - Mark & Chirag, Cofertility intended parents

Start your egg freezing journey with Cofertility

Working with Cofertility means working with a platform that honors donors, intended parents, and donor-conceived people alike. We’re here to make your egg freezing journey the human-centered, accessible, and just plain better experience that you deserve with our two unique programs.

With our Split program, members who qualify based on clinic criteria can freeze their eggs entirely for free when they donate half to a family that can’t otherwise conceive.

Through our Keep program, members self-fund their egg freezing journey and keep the entire egg yield for themselves, with discounts and support from our team every step of the way.

With both programs, members also get exclusive access to our members-only community, where they can connect with others going through the egg freezing and donation processes at the same time and lean on each other for support and encouragement.

To see which programs you qualify for and start your journey today, click the link below to take our free, two-minute quiz.